Bigger, Faster, and Out of Hand - Steve Feiner

Talk 1 

Increasing FOV in displays


Sometimes a bigger field of view is more important than a wider field of view

Projection on the environment is considered a Gold standard - perfect registration 

Width is the metric people use - people want wider FOV

But there are many applications when height is the issue

Eg: - walking downstairs with low vision - not a context when using a cane makes sense


Decrease latency

The time btwn stimulus (cause) and response (effect)

  • Eg: motion to photons 

    —  Motion can be head, hands world

Most  electronics in our environment are more than 100 milliseconds delay

Some are 10 milliseconds 

Perceptible Latency (university of Toronto) 1ms-latency 2D touch screen  2013

Around 6 milliseconds is noticeable (in a random group of people - not a group selected with high reflexes - eg athletes, race car drivers, pro gamers) 


Context without hands

Eg Hands-free AR for vascular intervention

  • Both hands are busy with a catheter - 

  • Using Headpose & voice

[See video]

  • Scaling and rotating based on head pose

  • Increase rotation and rate of rotation by moving head away from virtual object

  • Change location by head pose

This is also important for accessibility 

Importance in many domains of not using hands at all,

Columbia Engineering

The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science

Presented at MIT Media Lab, Cambridge Mass

Notes taken on a mobile device. Pardon any auto-corrections or incorrection.