The first UX Show and Tell for 2011 was held at Moment, an interaction design firm. It was another great IxDA event. A team presented on a new way to create, share and collaborate on iPhone mockups. And we got a sneak peak of a SXSW presentation. One of the presentations was about a high-tech way to navigate the city, wish good research and stakeholder interviews. It was real service design, which I always find interesting as it's very much the work I want to do. View Moment here[singlepic id=459] [singlepic id=460] [singlepic id=462] Upstage [singlepic id=471] timed presentations [singlepic id=470] thanks to Moment [singlepic id=472] Chris Avore - UX Show & Tell [singlepic id=473] John Payne - Moment [singlepic id=474] Moment
Join us for the next one. To throw your own UX Show and Tell, check out And then check out the guide on how to set one up
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