If you want to raise funding for a tech venture in New York City, you might want to consider the following organizations. This is a list in the works. If you know of any more, please feel free to add them as a comment!Venture Capital Funds Lerer Ventures "a seed stage venture capital fund." www.lererventures.com
Incubators and Accelerators Rose Tech Incubator "an early stage investment fund, incubator, and all-around support infrastructure dedicated to finding, nurturing and launching the next generation of world class ventures." http://www.rose.vc/
TechStars "the #1 startup accelerator in the world," featuring funding, mentorship and connections. http://www.techstars.org/
New York Angels http://www.newyorkangels.com/
Additional Outside of New York:
Greylock Partners http://www.greylock.com/
Greylock Discovery Fund "microfund" that "is a seed investment program that helps very early stage companies raise small amounts of money in a short amount of time " http://www.greylock.com/discovery/discovery/