Rising Tigers Sleeping GiantsAsian nations set to dominate the clean energy race by out-investing the United States
Core Clean Energy Technologies - including:
- -solar
- -wind
- -nuclear power
- -carbon capture and storage
- -advanced vehicles and batteries, and high-speed rail.
Asia’s “clean technology tigers” – China, Japan, and South Korea
CTTS aka Clean Energy Technologies - can be variously defined. Throughout this document, unless otherwise specified, we refer to zero- or low-carbon energy generation and transportation technologies and efficient end-use energy technologies.
1. Asian Nations will out-invest United States in the production of virtually all clean energy technologies over the next five years
2. Large, direct and sustained public investments will solidify the competitive advantage of China, Japan, and South Korea. Allow them to capture:
- -economies of scale,
- -learning-by-doing,
- -innovation advantages
3. If the investment gap persist, the US will import the overwhelming majority of clean energy technologies it deploys. could jeopardize America's:
- economic recovery
- its long-term competitiveness
4. U.S. Government policy and support are modest and not as strong as the governments of Asian nations. US: to invest $172 billion over the next five years China: to invest $397 billion in China
5. U.S. must close the widening gap between government investments in the US and Asia’s CCT and provide more robust support for U.S. clean tech research and innovation, manufacturing, and domestic market demand. U.S. energy policy must include large, direct and coordinated investments in clean technology R&D, manufacturing, deployment, and infrastructure.
Asia government investment:
- -larger
- -aim: to support clean technology research and innovation, manufacturing capacity, and domestic markets, as well as critical related infrastructure.
- public investment:
- -larger
- -more direct
US Situation
foreign reliance :: manufacture the majority of its wind turbines, produces less than 10 percent of the world’s solar cells, losing ground on hybrid and electric vehicle technology and manufacturing risks importing the majority of the clean energy technologies necessary to meet growing domestic demand.
CTTs are already on the cusp of establishing a “first-mover advantage” over the United States in the global clean tech industry. (Notes and quotes via Break Through Institute)
While that report is from 2009, its message rings true. Last year, Breakthrough Institute Project Director Devon Swezey testified in congress that the US needs "a robust and long-term investment strategy in critical areas such as research and innovation, advanced manufacturing, market creation, infrastructure, education, and new industry clusters." Not just a "low price on carbon--as proposed in current congressional climate bills." (Break Through Institute).
That is going to be hard if Vinod Kholsa is correct in saying that in the US, “we do not support innovation capitalism,” preferring instead to support established corporations through what he termed “incumbency capitalism." (Market Watch). Sources: Rising Tigers Sleeping Giants, more intese notes on their blog: http://thebreakthrough.org/blog/2009/11/rising_tigers_sleeping_giant_o.shtml Rising Tigers Sleeping Giants, download the PDF here, http://www.notes.slcstudios.net/wp-admin/thebreakthrough.org/blog/Rising_Tigers.pdfMarket Watch http://www.marketwatch.com/story/another-clean-tech-ipo-imminent-khosla-says-2011-03-03