
Designing - How & Who - Design At The Edge

Bill Moggridge of the Cooper-Hewitt spoke at Bruce Nussbaum's Parsons class Design-At-The-Edge.[singlepic id=487]

Thoughts on Research [singlepic id=483] ethnographic research latent needs you don't know what the designs are yet market research once you have the concept down and you have a prototype then you can focus on the explicit needs of market research

Intel's Social Networking Experience Prototype "a summary of touchpoints - interesting for a service design or any complicated system" [singlepic id=486] HOW - prototyping inspiration - evolution - validation "every prototype is a failure"

EXPANSION OF DESIGN "We find designers able to deal with more complicated contexts."       designing stuff       design of places - expands to social innovation rather than just structures             designing for social impact - Human

WHO I. The Star Designer "It's a range from an individual effort to a team effort" Lisa Strausfeld - interaction design at Pentagram Frank Llyod Wright - Frank Gehry - who perhaps is the star of modern arch today

II. The Team Design thinking applying the same process but letting non-designers use it having an interdisciplinary team, you find that very difficult problems can be solved ex: a service designed for a visitor from China (Intel UMPC)

III. Crowd Sourcing proposed to be the third group of "Who" ex: esty, wikipedia Open IDEO makes it opaque who is contributing and to what degree, where as Wikipedia does not identify contributors that easily.

SYNTH'D NOTES: Increase your production values as you move up the prototyping stages.

ADDT'L QUOTES: "Venture capitalists tend to start from the business stand point. As designers we tend to start from the popele We have this starting point, it still needs to come to an overlap,...with the business viability"

"the values we have as human beings doesn't really change that much"

"In America we find that people are being forced into courses like math. "You of course being at Parsons have rebelled against that""

PEOPLE MENTIONED Ira Glass - American public radio personality      radio goes through many prototyping iterations Shinichi Takemura - Tangible Earth       he used to be an anthropologist       currently at the Cooper Hewwitt [singlepic id=482] [nggallery id=38]

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Notes taken on a mobile device. Pardon any auto-corrections or incorrection.