
Designing - How & Who - Design At The Edge

Bill Moggridge of the Cooper-Hewitt spoke at Bruce Nussbaum's Parsons class Design-At-The-Edge.[singlepic id=487]

Thoughts on Research [singlepic id=483] ethnographic research latent needs you don't know what the designs are yet market research once you have the concept down and you have a prototype then you can focus on the explicit needs of market research

Intel's Social Networking Experience Prototype "a summary of touchpoints - interesting for a service design or any complicated system" [singlepic id=486] HOW - prototyping inspiration - evolution - validation "every prototype is a failure"

EXPANSION OF DESIGN "We find designers able to deal with more complicated contexts."       designing stuff       design of places - expands to social innovation rather than just structures             designing for social impact - Human

WHO I. The Star Designer "It's a range from an individual effort to a team effort" Lisa Strausfeld - interaction design at Pentagram Frank Llyod Wright - Frank Gehry - who perhaps is the star of modern arch today

II. The Team Design thinking applying the same process but letting non-designers use it having an interdisciplinary team, you find that very difficult problems can be solved ex: a service designed for a visitor from China (Intel UMPC)

III. Crowd Sourcing proposed to be the third group of "Who" ex: esty, wikipedia Open IDEO makes it opaque who is contributing and to what degree, where as Wikipedia does not identify contributors that easily.

SYNTH'D NOTES: Increase your production values as you move up the prototyping stages.

ADDT'L QUOTES: "Venture capitalists tend to start from the business stand point. As designers we tend to start from the popele We have this starting point, it still needs to come to an overlap,...with the business viability"

"the values we have as human beings doesn't really change that much"

"In America we find that people are being forced into courses like math. "You of course being at Parsons have rebelled against that""

PEOPLE MENTIONED Ira Glass - American public radio personality      radio goes through many prototyping iterations Shinichi Takemura - Tangible Earth       he used to be an anthropologist       currently at the Cooper Hewwitt [singlepic id=482] [nggallery id=38]

For more info:

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Framing Matter Flux - updated

"Concepts that become evident in film become applied in our own practicesHow we experience the world and then take that into our [design or professional] practice." Brian McGrath

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matter-flux/open whole "bergson's conclusion...:if the whole is not is because it is the Open, and because its nature is to change constantly, or to give rise to something new, in short to endure." "The duration of the universe must therefore be one with the latitude of creation which can find place in it." (Deleuze, Cinema 1,p9) "The real whole might well invisible continuity"." (Deleuze, Cinema i p1_). "Act on it one piece at a time." BM set of information - "a way of looking at an image, not as a picture, but as a set of elements in relation to each other which give you a limited frame of the open whole."

immobile cuts or section: a closed unmoving system/set.

frame - We will call the determination of a ...relatively closed system which includes everything which is present in the image - sets, characters and props - framing." (Deleuze, Cinema_ - "you can't close the whole world out, you can only close out certain information in a frame." BM

movement image - "Movement as physical reality in the external world, and the image, as a psychic reality in consciousness, can no longer be opposed." Deleuze defines the movement image as "the centered set of variable elements which act and react on each other." ( perception image - "set...of elements which act on a center, and which ( objective perception ex: your percept of the room if you are viewing it from the door outside subjective perception - means you're inside the "scene" ex: your percept of the room if you are siting inside it affection image - -we become intimate with these characters, we empathize and identify with them. -less about worldly information and more about the qualities of the individual, the qualities of the face. a close up. thought image has to do with memory reflection image - remembering and reflecting what has happened and overlaying it to what is currently available. (recalling information) -relating the present to the past -by the time it reaches the brain, it is already in the past relation image impulse image- "the energy wich seizes fragments in the originary world." (Deleuze, Cinema 1, pg 124.)" "between affection and action is impulse" action image - "reaction of the center to the set." (Deleuze, Cinema I, p.217) "The action image frames the body in a medium distance shot." sensori motor system - "Bergon states in Creative Evolution that 'the sesnori-motor system' [is] the cerebro-spinal nervous system together with the sensorial apparatus in which it is prolonged and the locomotor muscles it controls," (p. 124). sensori-motor schema - "organizes and coordinates the perceptions, affections, and actions of each living image, and from this schema issues particular configuration of the world..." (Bogue Deleuze on Cinema, p4.) "extensions to our sesnori-motor apparati - ex: digital tools, body practices like yoga or boxing." BM "a schema to help us understand ourselves both as hunters and cyborgs" BM first the hunter develops the skills, the locomoot muslces skills, and then devleops a hunter schema eventually to develop a schema betwn ceberbor spinal nervous sytem _ locomortor muscles. "this is how we can be change detectors and change agents." BM

living image/interva/center of indeterminacy - is the center odf indetermination of a living image, an interval or gap in the universal interaction of matter flows"How do you construct an interior space, a reality from scenes in the film? objective perception/subjective perception - movmeeng images are either objective or subjective.  Objective per is provisionally defined as a point of view from outside the framed set, while subjective perception isd efined as a point of view from within the freamed set. (Deleuze, Cinema 1, pg 71-6) nbsp ex: "you assume you're looking at the wife through the view of the husband's eyes and the husband from the view of the wife's eyes. if the camera assumes that position, it is subjective" BM

"There's something powerful about that camera that just sits there, is meditative and watches the world go by."BM

While he uses static shots, the camera changes places between shots, so in that sense it moves. He is always at right angles to the room he is filming like an architect.

add'l shots - static moving temporal

Change blindness - "sometimes my mind creaties patterns of history, am i seeing reality or am i seeing something i remember." BM

re: using two different ladies in Ozu's film

Films Mentioned: Gaspar Noe's "Enter the Void" 2010


Sources: Deleuze, Cinema I BM - Brian McGrath

My Questions: How do you do that when there are shots that aren't just static - like panning and tilting or using a dolly. Why do you want to get the metrics and measurements of the building? Especially when it could be a a set - so it is a partial and fake reality that you then try to define.

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DREAM:IN Phases – Join the Dream

DREAM:IN ConclaveTo read the common dreams of India and develop big ideas for business, policy, development and sustainable change, and work towards realizing them, leaders and design experts from India, USA, Brazil and Italy will be joining us at the conclave from 16th to 19th February 2011. The DREAM:IN Conclave will bring together 55 national and international leaders to share a vision for India through design. During 4 days in Bangalore, the knowledge center of India, thousands of Indians’ dreams will be interpreted by entrepreneurs, business leaders, design and creative thinkers, venture capitalists, policy makers, and financiers to design transformative changes for India. Dream Volunteers consisted of students in design, anthropology, marketing, finance, technology, urbanism will synthesize and broadcast through the DREAM:IN Portal the visionary scenarios and opportunities for investing in India’s prosperity. The DREAM:IN Conclave works towards bringing global design expertise to fulfill common dreams of locals. With an open source database of dreams, visions, and investment opportunities India will be ready to change the lives of people locally and globally.

Connect with DREAM:IN Twitter:!/DREAMIN_Team




See below for more details on specific phases

DREAM:IN Collecting India's aspirations as a canvas for creative thinking Challenging the notion that future thinking should be informed by people's needs – the DREAM:IN initiative seeks to explore what Indians are dreaming about. It intends to create a dynamic database of dreams gathered in cities, towns and villages across the country. These will be categorised, analysed and shared with business leaders, educators, social entrepreneurs, policymakers and designers to devise transformative and inclusive future scenarios. DREAM:IN intends to collide the dreams of a diverse India with the thoughts and actions of leaders across a range of sectors.

DREAM:IN Journey 8-17 January 2011 101 dreamcatchers have been selected from students from over 20 Indian institutes of management, design, communication and film. They will be dispatched in groups across 11 itineraries which traverse rural and urban India. Along the way they will be questioning locals about their dreams and aspirations – for family, work, recreation, products and services – and capturing these on video. They are expecting to collect over 10, 000 dreams. Before heading off they will receive training from a team from various backgrounds including ethnography, education, advertising and cinematography from across India plus Brazil, Italy, New Zealand and the US. This group features professionals from Nokia, Ogilvy & Mather and Parsons the New School for Design (New York). The findings will be returned to the DREAM:IN headquarters in Bangalore to be collated and categorised ahead of the conclave.

DREAM:IN Conclave 16-19 February 2011 February's summit will bring together a selection of students, educators, policymakers, social entrepreneurs and professionals from sectors such as finance, IT, retail, telecommunications and energy. Participants include powerhouse retail entrepreneur, Kishore Biyani and Fast Company's Bruce Nussbaum. Findings from the dream journey will be shared through a series of workshops. These will be used to inform future scenarios via a rigorous design-thinking methodology – with the view to devising concrete projects to effect fresh thinking around delivering products and services at scale.

DREAM:IN Portal Feb 2011 onwards An open portal will be launched which allows users to upload and categorise dreams by sector – adding to those collected on the dream journey. These will be supplemented by scenario building tools to assist professionals to translate the dream database into insights which can inform their future strategies. Drawing on the larger canvas of dreams over needs is expected to fuel enhanced creative thinking.

The DREAM:IN project has been driven by Idiom Design and Consulting in Bangalore and their design education initiative SPREAD. Inception and direction: Sonia Manchanda, Idiom. Enterprising design knowledge and global markets specialist: Carlos Teixeira, Parsons the New School for Design. Supported by IBM, Manipal University and Mr Kishore Biyani.

Source: Updates on the DREAM:IN Journey_Bangalore, India email from Carlos Teixeira.

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DREAM:IN – Engage local design expertise globally.

Earlier this year DREAM:IN, an international inititative was started by Carlos Teixeira and Sonia Manchanda in conjunction with idiom and support by Bruce Nussbaum.  See below for original details. DREAM:IN is a platform for engaging local design expertise globally.

The DREAM:IN Project challenges one and all, to begin the creation process, not from people’s needs but from their dreams. To share dreams, to create big ideas that help realize dreams. And to bring ideas to reality, leveraging networks, with skill, speed and imagination. The DREAM:IN project is the creation of a set of design thinkers across borders. It is designed to challenge us to create not for people’s needs, but for their dreams. Its time to get greed and need out of the way and create common dreams. In India, is it the time to unlock dreams, the dream of every common man, woman and child.

We are inviting students, faculty, design experts, entrepreneurs, artists, venture capitalists, activists, business leaders, not-for-profit agents, government leaders, and who ever else would like to: a. apply user-centered design to collect and interpreted the DREAMS of people in India b. play the role of a knowledge broker to transform DREAMS into projects with economic, social, cultural, territorial, and environmental value c. explore new ways of enterprising design knowledge through open innovation systems and global networks based on local expertise d. imagine new ventures based on new types of organizations and business models e. transform DREAMS into tangible realities

Connect with DREAM:IN Twitter:!/DREAMIN_Team




Youtube: DREAM:IN Youtube Channel idiom design consulting

Source: origional event email from Carlos Teixeira (Parsons The New School for Design profile) and NODES ( )

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Social Media Week Predictions

Social Media Week is February 7-11, 2011.I predict that during Social Media Week, people will be stuck inside on their computer and mobiles accessing social networks and soc-com (social communication - not to be confused with SOCOM).  That is except when they are at a social media conference, they will be at the conference venue glancing between the presenter and their own computer or mobiles accessing social networks and soc-com. Join the discussion. Twitter - @smwnyc Site -

I will be in Boulder for Interaction 11, but will still participate in Social Media Week by being antisocial and not skiing.

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UX Show & Tell 2011

The first UX Show and Tell for 2011 was held at Moment, an interaction design firm.  It was another great IxDA event. A team presented on a new way to create, share and collaborate on iPhone mockups. And we got a sneak peak of a SXSW presentation. One of the presentations was about a high-tech way to navigate the city, wish good research and stakeholder interviews. It was real service design, which I always find interesting as it's very much the work I want to do. View Moment here[singlepic id=459] [singlepic id=460] [singlepic id=462] Upstage [singlepic id=471] timed presentations [singlepic id=470] thanks to Moment [singlepic id=472] Chris Avore - UX Show & Tell [singlepic id=473] John Payne - Moment [singlepic id=474] Moment

Join us for the next one. To throw your own UX Show and Tell, check out And then check out the guide on how to set one up

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Service Design Jam

"On 11 March, 2011, people interested in service and customer experience will meet at locations all over the globe. They will be designers, students, academics, business people, and customers. In a spirit of experimentation, innovation, co-operation and friendly competition, teams will have less than 48 hours to develop and prototype completely new services inspired by a shared theme.  At the end of the weekend, their collection of brand new services will be published to the world. Join us at the Global Service Jam 2010."

Schedule: "Multiple locations, worldwide, jamming to the same beat:

[Fri. 11 March by 5 pm local]

The Jam participants come together at worldwide locations prepared by local organisers.

[Fri. 11 March, 6.30 pm local]

The global themes and achievements (optional goals) for the Jam are presented. Discussion in informal groups.  Dinner is a good idea.

[Fri. 11 March, 9pm local]

The local Jam comes together for the pitching session.  Anyone can present their basic idea, groups form, and participants join the group that interests them.

[Fri. 11. March, 10pm local] until  [Sun. 13 March, 3pm local]

The groups work independently, supported by Mentors and Specialist Providers in some locations.  Research or observations are performed virtually, or through short excursions. The teams develop their service design and prototype it using whatever methods they choose. Sleep is optional, but recommended.

Local Jams are in contact globally through social media, wormholes, carrier pigeons or whatever else we set up. Share, exchange, inspire. But remember - it is deeply Cheesy and Uncool to communicate the themes to teams to the West of you. For a level playing field, themes are announced at LOCAL time...

[Sun. 13 March, 3pm local]

The teams deliver documentation of a working prototype.  This can be a film of human interaction, photos of a mock-up, a dummy website, or anything else that provides a permanent, publishable record of their idea and work. These are uploaded and published for the world under Creative Commons licensing.

After publishing, teams can sit back, kick back, enjoy a well-earned beverage and browse through the global results. Or they can get busy supporting teams further to the west..."


How to Join: USA, New York City The contact for the New York City, USA location is Cameron Tonkinwise. Are you local? Contact Cameron! Cameron Tonkinwise - Parsons Twitter: @camerontw

China, Shanghai The contacts for the Shanghai, China Jam are Bruno Porto and David Fox. Are you local? Contact Bruno & David! Emails: &

For information on more locations: For information on how to start your own:

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Interaction 11

Interaction 11Presented by Interaction Design Association and Boulder Digital Works.

IxDA's mission: "We believe that the human condition is increasingly challenged by poor experiences. IxDA intends to improve the human condition by advancing the discipline of Interaction Design. To do this, we foster a community of people that choose to come together to support this intention. IxDA relies on individual initiative, contribution, sharing and selforganization as the primary means for us to achieve our goals."

All tickets for Interaction 11 are sold out, but join the global discussion at and on twitter with the hashtag #IxD11

For the next conference created in conjunction with IxDA check out Midwest UX Conference twitter hashtag #midwestux

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NYU in Shanghai

NYU currently has a presence at East China Normal University (华东师范大学). They're opening a full campus in Pudong, the new district. Maybe they understand they can't just feed Wall Street, so Pudong is a logical decision. But it's a good decision for more than just being situated in the new financial district of a new financial power. "In the 2011-12 academic year, NYU plans to begin an executive education program, which will not grant degrees. A degree-granting, professional Masters program would begin in the 2012-13 academic year, and in the fall of 2013, NYU hopes to welcome its first undergraduate class to NYU Shanghai. "

East China Normal Uni is located at what was the campus of St. John's University right by Suzhou Creek. St. John's University was dissolved after the revolution with parts of it absorbed into Shanghainese Second Medical College and Fudan University.

Even though St. John's University was registered in Washington DC, a BA from St. John's University and a CPA from Hong Kong (which is qualified through the UK) would not even let you sit for the CPA in the United States. NYU is really (has really been) leading the curve. They accepted programs from St. John's back in 1956, organized semesters abroad with ECNU and now are opening their own campus.

I am still trying to have Parsons give me credit for my semester at Fudan.

Original source:

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